Our partners at Goodwill teaching a job readiness class to our residents
If you or your family is impacted by homelessness, Arlington Life Shelter is here to assist you with creating a path to self-sufficiency. We have listed our entrance requirements below. Please read through these policies and procedures to learn about the requirements for staying at the shelter. Please call us if you have any questions.
You must have two forms of identification. One of those forms of I.D. must have photo identification. This can include:
- A driver's license (from any state or country)
- A state ID card
- A military ID card
- A passport (from any country)
- A student ID card
- A Tarrant County Homeless Coalition (TCHC) TB Scan card
- A copy of your mugshot if you have ever been arrested in Arlington. You can get a copy of your mugshot from the Arlington Police Department at the corner of Division and Cooper.
Background checks are required. Persons convicted of a crime against another person within the past two years or any conviction of a crime against a child or elderly at any time will be denied entry to ensure shelter safety. Every background is taken as a case-by-case situation.
Random breathalyzer and urine drug tests can be performed at any time if there is suspicion of substance use. You may be asked to leave if you fail either of these tests.
One of the most important things you need to do is call us to find out if we have any available space. Our main phone number is (817) 548-9885 ext. 3301. We'll need to know if you are alone or if you have children with you. Sometimes, we do not have any beds available, so the best thing to do is call before you come. We do intakes Monday through Friday.
Check-in, or the intake process, is held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for individuals not currently enrolled in our program.
All bed and space assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not hold beds for new guests. However, when you become a guest, we will hold your assigned bed as long as you are in the program.