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Frequent Questions

This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked in regards to our programs and services, as well as our donation needs. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us at 817-548-9885.

What does Arlington Life Shelter provide to individuals and families impacted by homelessness in North Texas?

  • Arlington Life Shelter provides a safe place to sleep, eat, wash clothes, case management, wrap around services such as financial classes, parenting classes, job search assistance and so much more. Arlington Life Shelter does not provide transportation, groceries, clothing, or help pay bills or rent. 

What sets Arlington Life Shelter apart from other shelters in North Texas?

  • The agency's philosophy is that in order to regain self-sufficiency, one must have the ability to secure and maintain employment to produce a steady income. We understand that many clients have challenges such as mental illness or addictions that must be addressed before they are able to maintain employment. Therefore, the agency offers a continuum of individualized services to increase the clients’ probability of long-term success.

What type of donations does the agency typically need?

  • We prefer items from our Amazon Wish List so that we will be well-equipped in our new space for the many men, women and children that require our services. 
  • Our needs change on an ongoing basis. Please check our Immediate Needs page for a most current listing of our most critical needs. 
  • Gift Cards are always needed for emergencies and to fill the gap for any medicine, toiletries and basic needs our residents may have when they enter and exit the Shelter. 

Are there any restrictions on what I can donate to the Shelter?

  • Yes, due to space limitations, we do not have room for clothing, furniture, appliances, hardware or similar items
  • We encourage you to take donations to Mission Arlington. Our partnership with Mission, provides our residents with the opportunity to go there to get items like those listed above.

When and where can I deliver donations?

  • Large donations must be preapproved.  Please call 817-548-9885 to schedule your donation. 
  • Donations from our Immediate Needs list can be brought to 325 W. Division Street Arlington, Texas 76011, Monday to Friday, 8am to 7 pm.

A New Day.  A New Home.  A New Life.